Category: Programming
Pros And Cons Of The Python Programming Language
When anyone picks a language to complete their project, they wish to deep and thorough with what they can do with it. The programmers think of being aware of how the language is helpful in an efficient way based on what they want to do. They also wish to be careful as no issues must occur while writing the program and executing it. Python is one of the best programming languages through which you can code simply and easily. It is important to understand its advantages and drawbacks while you are choosing it for your project.
Benefits of the python programming language
Let’s discuss the benefits of python programming language to understand its significance and its use in picking it for projects.
Python is a language which can be extended to other programming languages. You can write the code in some languages like C or C++. This is helpful mainly when you do it in some of the projects.
Extensive Libraries:
The downloads of the python have an extensive library and it also possesses various purposes code like unit testing, document generation, regular expressions, web browsers, databases, CGI, email, image manipulation, and regular expressions etc. This is the reason it is not essential to write the entire code in a manual way.
Enhanced productivity:
The simplicity of the language and libraries which are extensive render the programmers to be more productive than other languages like C++ and Java. It is also required to write less and make the things to be done more.
It is the best-embedded language which has better extensibility and complimentary. You can keep your python code in different language source code such as C++. It allows you to adding the capabilities of scripting to our code in the other language.
Easy and simple:
When you actually work with the java language, you might make a class for printing help world. Yet in python, a print statement will do this task. Python is also simple and easy to learn for the people mostly who faces a hard time with Java language or other complicated languages.
Python supports object-oriented and procedural paradigms of programming. As the functions help us with objects, classes, and code reusability and let model the world of reality. A class enables the data encapsulation and operates as one function.
Opportunities of IoT:
As python forms the new frameworks such as Raspberry Pi, it lets you find the better future of the internet of things. This is one manner in connecting the language in the world of reality. An interesting use of this is with dating apps for mobile devices. A popular hookup app Meet n Fuck App utilizes the language to implement augmented reality features into their sex app. This allows casual daters to have a different experience that is innovative in the adult dating space. The dating app startup was able to do this thanks to the flexibility of python, which is what their platform was developed with.
It is not a verbose language, reading this language is same as reading the English language. This is the simple reason why python is simple to understand, learn, and code. It also does not contain any curly braces for defining blocks which aids the code readability.
Open source and free:
This language is available freely and you can download it for free. You can download its source code for free of cost, make some changes to it, and distribute them with libraries in extensive collection for helping you with your tasks or operations.
It is the language which is interpreted. As the statements are executed line by line as the debugging is easy than any language which is compiled.
When you think of coding in a language such as C++, it is crucial to make alterations if you wish to run on another framework. This is not at all same for python language. Here you are just required to code only once and you can run it at any platform. But you have to be careful to involve any features which are system dependent.

Drawbacks of the python programming language
It is already discussed that python is the best option for your venture, yet if you pick it, then you need to know its results or outcomes as well. Let’s discuss the disadvantages of python programming language.
Weak in browsers and mobile computing:
This language serves as the language of server-side, it is rarely on the client-side of the system. It is also rarely utilized for designing applications which are smartphone-based. Another reason is it is weak and not much secure one in browsers.
Limitations of speed:
You can observe that code of python is executed step by step as it is interpreted. It sometimes leads to slow execution of the code. But this is not an issue unless speed is the main point of the venture. But the advantages offered by this language are enough in distracting from the limitations of speed.
Thus, these are the benefits and drawbacks of using python programming language across the world. It is important to understand the advantages and cons of a language before picking it in your project to code and implement.
Developing Mobile Apps With Swift
Introduction to Swift Programming Language
There are several programming languages around the world, which is being used extensively, however, few like Swift are more sought after. Let’s look at what makes it the go-to language.
Swift is a multipurpose compiled programming language developed for iOS, OS X, Watch OS, tvOS and Linux by Apple. This was created to replace the old C programming language which was the popular language used before by Apple. Swift, is aptly named after the Swift Bird (which is the fastest flier in the animal kingdom). As the name suggests, it was developed as a faster alternative to C-programming, apart from the speed, it has many helpful features such as it’s easy to learn, the security is top-notch, it requires less coding and most importantly it is very interactive.
When compared to C-programming, Swift has a simple syntax and it is easily understandable even for beginners or for people migrating from other programming languages. Swift took inspirations from other languages like C-programming, Python, Ruby, Rust, Haskell, CLU, C# and the list goes on. The switch from other languages to Swift is far easier for the developers as they find many similarities in the previous languages they have used. In the C-Programming, a developer had to maintain two files to code, but that process has become easier with Swift as it uses only one file like other languages like Java, C# and JavaScript.
Swift is a relatively new language, but its popularity has increased two-folds compared to other languages. It has now become the mainstay for Apple community of developers and more importantly, it can be used for commercial purpose also. Swift first took hold with mainstream dating apps and casual dating platforms for mobile. Hook up apps like were early adopters adding new functions for their adult daters at a rapid rate. Upon seeing the flexibility that these sex sites and dating apps employed, developers took notice and began utilizing Swift for all types of different mobile applications. It is now the most preferred language due to its popularity and it has grown rather quickly than expected when compared to other languages.
Advantages of Swift Language
After knowing the basic idea of Swift, let us look at the advantages of the language:
- Easy to learn and open-sourced
- Completely secure and swift
- More relatable and familiar with the developers
- Future of Apple
- Enterprise-ready.
- Serves both as a language as well as the server-side
- Seamless interaction of apps and the server
However, there are a few limitations in the Swift language which cannot be overlooked since it is a new language on the block and many people are not aware of it. It cannot perform meticulously with third-party tools and IDEs and does not support earlier versions of iOS.
If you are interested in learning more about Swift or even teaching yourself the basics the below video is a great starting point.
Stepping Into The Future
With more famous companies like Facebook, Uber looking to shift to Swift, the future looks set for this language. Swift is still evolving and it needs to be seen how far it will go technology-wise. Many famous apps like LinkedIn, Yahoo weather, Strava, clear, Hipmunk have been using Swift and rumors are floating around that Google might soon use Swift language for their Android development, which opens up opportunities for developers who have already mastered Swift. Another major benefit of Swift is its portability with other platforms and this, in turn, creates more job opportunities. In case you are Swift developer, fret not you are in the right place at the right time.
Programming Methodologies Explained
There are many forms of Programming Methodologies. The purpose of recording methodology is to ensure awareness among program writers, so that they are aware of the processes and procedures used by them when constructing programs. It is to increase this self-conscious degree of awareness among the best authors and programmers that this short article on programming methodologies explained has been undertaken.
Types Of Methodologies
The program writers may be writing large software systems, with team-work in big teams a part of the conditionality of cooperative effort, and may be expected to conform with standard practices within their own teams as well as across other teams. Yet others may be writing small programs for themselves. Being aware of the process of programming is to be able to improve the process itself, with the following objectives:
- To achieve better acceptance of the Specification.
- To create Faster production of the Final Product.
- To ensure better Quality Control in the Final product.

The “Waterfall” Method has been the preferred technique over earlier generations of programming, and the typical approach steps have been as follows:
- The Requirement Gathering
- Problem Definition
- System Design
- Implementation
- Testing
- Documentation
- Training and Support
- Maintenance
Traditions are now being bypassed, by a new generation of Methods of Programming. In the last few years, the New Age has dawned in this field, which we will now discuss.
The New Age
Traditionally, the “Waterfall” Method has been in use, but in the last decade, most quality-conscious programmers have adopted RapidPrototyping Methodology for Programming. Some of the other methods adopt ProgramReuse Methodology, which in effect simply re-apply existing large programs by , modification. Finally, ComponentBased Programming is used.
In the Waterfall Model, each step provides the most reasonable platform for the next step. But problems tend to be fractal, and solving them tends to reveal sub-problems, which may then reveal sub-sub-problems. So approximations are used to simply the solution, leading to approximate answers which are not fully correct, but correct only up to the extent of the approximation. The other Methodologies noted above tend to avoid such simplistic solutions. In recent years, research into replacement of full-cycle methodologies with “AgileProcesses” typically aim to reduce the amount of non-programming related overhead. This allows increased accuracy in estimation and improved efficiency of code.
The Authors of some of the most exciting new programming languages such as DSDM, XP, Episodes, Scrum and Adaptive Software Development and Experts from the field all came together to create a new Methodology which they called “Agile”. The name was chosen in view of the qualities of the new entrant/s, such as high maneuverability and rapid reaction. AgileProcesses include some of the following:
- Open Source As Agile Process
- Extreme Programming
- Episodes Pattern language
- Scrum Process
- DSDM (Dynamic Systems development Method)
- XBreed
- Alistair Cockburn’s Crystal Methodologies
- Jim Highsmith’s Adaptive Software development
- Shai Ben Yehuda’s Tgp Methodology
But how to define this new group of Programming Methodologies? Agile process is basically a highly disciplined approach to Constant Unexpected Change. In fact, the difference between classic development methodology and Agile development has been described as the difference between a Boxer and a Street-fighter. The Boxer can only follow rules (Marquis of Queensberry) when the opponent is down, but the Street-fighter will hit you with a brick if you are not watching! Traditionally, using Waterfall or similar Processes, the attempt has been to Eliminate Change or Anticipate Change by abstraction or configurability. But in the long run, this Methodology has only led to approximations (which deny accuracy), as well as prevent the “Agility” necessary to keep up on programming software to today’s high level of speed and accuracy.
The Approach
There are basically two types of approaches to programming, referring to the two strategies for developing a computer program.
- Top-Down approach: This starts by implementing the most general modules, and works towards implementing those that provide specific functionality.
- Bottoms-Up approach: This implements the modules that provide the specific functionality first, and then integrates them by implementing the more general modules.
Most programs are developed by using combinational techniques incorporating both strategies. There are similarities in both strategies. Both employ unit testing methods, which simply means testing each component separately before moving on to the next. Both are based on incremental development. In other words, programs are built up piece by piece. Actually, incremental development with unit testing tries to simulate artificially imposed proximity of cause and effect onto the software testing process. This methodology mimics hardware behavior and testing, where a failure is generally found to be in close proximity of the cause, obeying the Law of Proximity of Cause and Effect. For example, wobbling of the front wheel is in all certainty caused by failure of the shock absorber closest to it, i.e. mounted on the same wheel strut.
Skills For Agile
There is a relative paucity of theory behind Agile. This again reinforces the Street-fighter image of Agile. But slowly, intensely analytical experts have postulated the following technical skill sets that are necessary to successfully practice the Agile Method:
- The programmer should be able to easily create domain specific languages.
- He (or she) should know truly effective performance tuning methods, which should not be just profiling.
- Partial evaluation methods must be part of the skill set, whenever the problem demands it.
- He should be able to invent new data structures or control techniques whenever required to solve the problem.
Methodologies must be adaptable. They must be able to differ by criticality, size, optimized quality, scope and the basic grounding of the authors. Any comparison of Methodologies must concentrate on these different facets, and their inter-relationships with the requirements of the project or the organization. The “Waterfall” Method has been the preferred technique over earlier generations of programming, and the typical approach steps should be followed.